Welcome to the meetup on 4th of June 2012 from 17.00 to 20.00 at Forum Virium Helsinki premises (Katariinankatu 3, yard entrance). This event will be held in English.
In our first developer meetup on 10th of May we focused on the local open interfaces. Our upcoming June meetup will be taking things to the European level.
We have invited five cities to share their ”offering” to the developers. This can mean sharing information on APIs, data sets, used standards and highlights of the city’s developer community’s achievements as well as the practices, processes and mindset of each city regarding developer engagement.
The idea is to inform developers on possibilities that the European collaboration in CitySDK project can offer but also to get inspired by the developer activities taking place in different cities.
Please register by Tuesday 29th of May with the following link http://digiumenterprise.com/answer/?sid=847562&chk=TZ7RF44S
17.00-17.05 Welcome – Pekka Koponen, Development Director, Smart City project area, Forum Virium Helsinki
17.05-17.20 Update on CitySDK activities – Hanna Niemi-Hugaerts, Project Manager, Forum Virium Helsinki
17.20-17.40 Case Amsterdam – Gregor Abbas, Project Manager
Waag Society, Institute for Art, Science and Technology
17.40-18.00 Case Helsinki – Jaakko Rajaniemi, Project manager, City of Helsinki
18.00-18.20 Case Istanbul – Murat Güneri, MSc. GIS Engineer
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality
18.20-18.40 Case Lisbon
18.40-19.00 Case Manchester – Julian Tait
Innovation Manager, FutureEverything CIC and Open Data Manchester
19.00-19.20 OpenCities Data Catalog – Ville Meloni, Project Manager, Helsinki Region Infoshare
19.20-20.00 Discussion and closing
Read more about CitySDK Helsinki:
In English: https://forumvirium.fi/en/project-areas/smart-city/citysdk
In Finnish
Aika: 06/04/2012 – 17:00 – 20:00 – 06/04/2012 – 17:00 – 20:00
Paikka: Katariinankatu 3 (yard entrance), Forum Virium Helsinki