Forum Virium Helsingin vuosiseminaari ”Open data, so what?” houkutteli yli 200 kuulijaa Valkoiseen Saliin. Uusia ajatuksia seminaariyleisölle toivat pääpuhuja Charles Leadbeater Iso-Britanniasta sekä IBM:n Ville Peltola ja LfM Nova GmbH:n Gernot Gehrke. Lämpimät kiitokset osallistuneille!
Katso Charles Leadbeaterin esitys:
(aika: 59 min 25 sek)
Lue myös Charles Leadbeaterin haastattelu:
>> Government 2.0 will start from the outside – Taneli Heikka
Tutustu Forum Virium Helsingin 5-vuotissivustoon:
Open Data, So What? Forum Virium Helsinki 5-year Anniversary Seminar
Open Data, So What? Forum Virium Helsinki 5-year Anniversary Seminar on Friday 8 April 2011, from 11am to 7pm at Valkoinen sali (Aleksanterinkatu 16-18, 00170 Helsinki).
Forum Virium Helsinki presents keynote speaker Mr. Charles Leadbeater (UK), a leading expert in government 2,0, whose keynote session will approach the theme by asking ”What’s so good about Open?”. Mr. Leadbeater has advised companies, cities and governments worldwide on innovation strategy and used that experience in writing his latest book We-think: the power of mass creativity, which charts the rise of mass, participative approaches to innovation.
Annual Seminar 2011 continues our Open Up the City -topic from last year with Smart City, Open Data, and the Interface of the City as this year’s key themes. The seminar is organised in cooperation with the Ministry of Employment and the Economy.
11:00 Registration, Lunch, Demofield*
12:00 Welcome: Mr. Jarmo Eskelinen, CEO, Forum Virium Helsinki
12:10 Changing Landscape: Five Years of Forum Virium Helsinki, Mr. Eero Holstila, Director of Economic Development, City of Helsinki
12:25 Stadi.TV Audiovisual Break
12:30 Moore’s Law Revisited – Digital services timeline:
– Year 2006: Up and Running, Mr. Esa Blomberg, Project Manager, Forum Virium Helsinki
– Year 2007: Hard Rock Hallelujah!, Mr. Pekka Timonen, Executive Director, World Design Capital Helsinki 2012
– Year 2008: Living Labs & Human Specimens, Mr. Tatu Laurila, CEO, Greater Helsinki Promotion
– Year 2009: Welcome, SHOKs! But are they user-driven? Mr. Pauli Kuosmanen, CTO, Tivit Oy
– Year 2010: Open Data for All! Ms. Asta Manninen, Director, City of Helsinki Urban Facts
13:00 Stadi.TV Audiovisual Break
13:05 IBM Smarter Cities Challenge – Visualising Helsinki City Data, Mr. Ville Peltola, Director of Innovation, IBM Finland
13:20 Case Balancion: Open Financial Data, Mr. Jussi Muurikainen, Founder & CEO, Balancion Oy
13:30 Coffee Break, Networking, Demofield
14:15 What’s So Good About Open? Keynote session by Mr. Charles Leadbeater (UK)
15:00 Stadi.TV Audiovisual Break
15:05 The Era of Service Delivery Platforms, 2011 – 2015
– The City Goes Smart, Mr. Pekka Koponen, Development Director, Forum Virium Helsinki
– Express to Connect, Ms. Marianne Dannbom, Programme Director, Forum Virium Helsinki
– Stadi.TV is Open!, Ms. Helena Johansson, Executive Producer, Forum Virium Helsinki
15:20 Web 2.0 & the Culture of Open, Dr. Gernot Gehrke, Managing Director, LfM Nova GmbH
15:35 Trading in Privacy and Other Vices, Mr. Jarmo Eskelinen, CEO, Forum Virium Helsinki
15:45 Networking, Buffet, Demofield
19:00 Seminar Ends
*) Demofield Cases Include:
Stadi.TV Studio
Helsinki Region Infoshare
Zen Grow Viherasema
Virtual Air Guitar Company
Flo Apps
HSL Live Helsinki Region Transport and Mattersoft
All rights to programme changes are reserved.
Further information
Charles Leadbeater homepage
As well as advising organizations like the BBC, Vodafone, Microsoft, Ericsson, Channel Four Television and the Royal Shakespeare Company, Charles is an ideas generator in his own right. While at the Independent he helped Helen Fielding devise Bridget Jones’s diary. He wrote the first British report on the rise of social entrepreneurship. His report on the potential for the web to generate social change led to the creation of the Social Innovation Camp movement.
Charles has worked extensively as a senior advisor to the governments, including the 10 Downing St policy unit, the Department for Trade and Industry, the European Commission and the government of Shanghai. He is an advisor to the Department for Education’s Innovation and is a co-founder of the public service design agency Participle.
He is associated with numerous prestigious institutions like the British National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts, London think-tank Demos, Oxford University’s Said Business School and the Young Foundation. He is co-founder of Participle, working with government to devise new approaches social challenges.
Charles spent ten years at the Financial Times as Labour Editor, Industrial Editor and Tokyo Bureau Chief before becoming the paper’s Features Editor. In 1994 he moved to the Independent and became an independent author and advisor in 1996.
Aika: 04/08/2011 – 11:00 – 19:00 – 04/08/2011 – 11:00 – 19:00
Paikka: Valkoinen Sali (Aleksanterinkatu 16-18, 00170 Helsinki)