Mobility Launchpad -tapahtumasarja älykkään liikenteen yrittäjille ja ammattilaisille

Artikkelikuva: Mobility Launchpad -tapahtumasarja älykkään liikenteen yrittäjille ja ammattilaisille

Miten luoda oma menestysresepti? Kuinka pitää itsensä – ja maailma – hyvässä tasapainossa? Mobility Launchpad -hanke järjestää syksyn aikana useita tapahtumia älykkään liikenteen yrittäjille, tuleville yrittäjille ja yrittäjähenkisille ihmisille. Tapahtumat tukevat, opastavat ja voimaannuttavat alalla jo olevia yrittäjiä. Lisäksi ne auttavat oman kipinän ja tiedon kasvamisessa kohti yrittäjyyttä.

Tule mukaan inspiroivien yrittäjätarinoiden, henkisen tasapainon työpajan, laki-infon, innovatiivisen piirtämistyöpajan sekä immateriaalioikeuksien ja rahoitusmahdollisuuksien infoon. Kyllä! Kaikki rautaisannos tietoa ja pehmeitä arvoja on samassa paketissa tässä ilmaisessa tapahtumasarjassa.

Tapahtumat ovat pääosin englanniksi.

Lokakuun tapahtumien teemat keskittyvät pehmeisiin arvoihin ja yleisiin yrittäjän arjessa kohdattaviin haasteisiin niin yrityksen liiketoiminnan kuin yksilön näkökulmasta. 

Marras- ja joulukuun tapahtumien teemat liittyvät kohdistetummin älykkään liikkumisen eri osa-alueisiin. Tapahtumien tarkempi sisältö varmistuu syksyn aikana. Nyt sinulla on mahdollisuus myös ehdottaa tapahtuma-aihetta tapahtumasarjojemme joukkoon. 

Lämpimästi tervetuloa!

2.10.2020 klo 13.00–16.30
Location: Mobility Launchpad demo space at Maria 01 (Building 3, 2nd floor, Lapinlahdenkatu 16, 00180 Helsinki)
This event is organised by Metropolia University of Applied Sciences

Creativity is simply the ability of imagination. Using imagination, an entrepreneur can forget the practical norms and think of something creative and innovative outside the box. However, a creative mind has to have entrepreneurial skills to bring those creative ideas to life in a business setting. Welcome to listen and discuss how to embrace your creativity , make your business grow. Or maybe you’ll find courage to start your own business?


13.00 Mental balance workshop: How to control your mind (Finnish)
Aino-Sofia Kojonen, Yoga & Meditation teacher, Life coach
13.45 Blooming Innovation: Trough drawing and flowers, harness your creativity to foster innovation
Marie Sand, Artist & Kati Mayfield, Founder at FloweRescue
13.45 Part 1: Tolerate to lose control through blind contour. Simplify and Go to the essence of what you want to convey through gesture drawing
15.00 Part 2: Take a multi-sensory approach to creativity – touch, smell and visually examine the flowers. Include new perspectives and diversity of viewpoints to develop best solutions through negative space drawing
16:00 Keynote: Creativity as a resource for running a business
Heidi Gutekunst, Entrepreneur, MD & Co-Founder at Amara collaboration

Economical balance
16.10.2020 klo 13.00–15.00 (webinar)

Economic progress without considering societal development and environmental impact is unsustainable and no longer executable. Balancing profit, people and the planet through entrepreneurial behavior is what identifies a sustainable entrepreneur. Welcome to listen and discuss how to create sustainable entrepreneurship.

13.00 How to get your startup funded? Touko Kontro, Startup Business Advisor at Newco Helsinki
13.45 Helping companies to succeed with IP-rights. Ville Kari, Papula-Nevinpat
14.00 Sustainable growth. Mari Luukkainen,
14.30 The most common legal skeletons that startups on the lookout for funding have in their closets – and how to get rid of them. Jaakko Lindgren, Partner at Dottir Attorneys

Self confidence & networks
30.10.2020 klo 13:00-15:00 (webinar)

Whatever kind of business networking you do, without question the more self-confidence you have the more you will enjoy the experience. True self-confidence develops when you are repeatedly successful, while at the same time genuinely being ‘yourself’.

13.00 Laura Tarkka, Career story: Dare to leap, Courage to grab
13.30 Päivi Kangasmäki, Keynote: The dynamics of the network effect in cash forecasting
14.00 Anna Kuusela, Entrepreneur & Founder at Wander Woman: Confidence workshop

Speaker bio’s

Laura Tarkka
Laura is an engineer who quickly realized that her calling is other than technology. During her career of more than 25 years, Laura has jumped from one industry to another, but her most important passion, people, has been preserved and strengthened. For the past 6 years, Laura was the CEO of luxury hotel chain, Kämp Collection Hotels. Now, after a few months break, Laura will start as the CEO of Gigantti and as a member of the management team of Elkjöp, the Nordic consumer electronics market leader. In addition to day job, Laura has several board positions, a husband at home and three more and less young adult kids. Laura is also a passionate yogi, reader – and networker.

Päivi Kangasmäki
Päivi is the founder CEO of riskrate. Riskrate is a reliable cash forecast using machine learning and the biggest real-time company database. Before she founded riskrate with her friends, she served financial markets and global treasuries from family-run businesses to in Nasdaq listed corporates in all continents.

Anna Kuusela
Anna Kuusela is an energy ball and the founder of the Wander Woman Tribe movement. She’s Finnish but her stuff has been in London for over 8 years now and she prefer to be on the move. She did her career in management consulting, mostly in London and after 10 years she jumped ship to create her own business. Today she leads her brand Wander Woman and helps women step into their CEO mode. In practise, she helps women see their business from another angle: building a profitable enterprise requires processes, systems, quality delivery…and passion! Looking forward to meeting all of you!






Heidi Heinonen

Puh. +358 50 323 1327

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