Helsinki Loves Developers-kehittäjätyöpaja 10.6.2014

Artikkelikuva: Helsinki Loves Developers-kehittäjätyöpaja 10.6.2014
CitySDK cross-city Smart Participation challenge pitch + CitySDK APIs
Welcome to the Helsinki Loves Developers event on Tuesday 10th of June from 17-19 at Kaupunkiverstas, Lasipalatsi. In the event you will have the opportunity to see the winners of the CitySDK Cross-City Smart Participation Challenge but also meet open data and API people from eight European cities!
The finalists of the challenge which will be presenting are:
  • CityFixer, an Android app, which automatically detects where you are and allows you to send feedback to city
  • City Concierge, one stop destination to know more about the cities you care about
Come and learn what is happening in the civic hacking space in Helsinki, Amsterdam, Lissabon, Barcelona, Manchester, Roma and Lamia. These cities collaborate in the CitySDK project  which started API harmonization work in 2012. Today, CitySDK offers harmonized APIs in the fields of Smart Participation, Smart Mobility and Smart Tourism.
So join us for a relaxed evening of chatting over coffee and sandwiches, checking out demos and apps, diving to the world of APIs and listening to a pitching session of the finalists of the CitySDK Smart Participation Challenge.
More information on CitySDK APIs:
  * Smart Participation: and
  * Smart Mobility:
Example apps:
  * Smart Participation: using API
  * Smart Mobility:
  * Smart Tourism:
To see all endpoints check out:

Aika: 06/10/2014 – 17:00 – 19:00 – 06/10/2014 – 17:00 – 19:00
Paikka: Lasipalatsin Kaupunkiverstas, Mannerheimintie 22-24 (2 krs.), Helsinki

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