Shanghaissa järjestetään 13.-14.10.2010 Helsingin metropolialueen innovaatiopäivät. Tapahtuman teemana on käyttäjälähtöinen innovaatio sekä Suomen ja Kiinan välinen yhteistyö.
Puhujina on sekä suomalaisia että kiinalaisia alan asiantuntijoita. Tavoitteena on jakaa kokemuksia ja kehittää yritysyhteistyötä Kiinan ja Suomen välillä.
Tilaisuuden järjestävät yhteistyössä Greater Helsinki Promotion, Forum Virium Helsinki, Active Life Village, RFID Lab Suomi ja Metropolia ammattikorkeakoulu.
Seminaarin ohjelma löytyy alta.
>> Tutustu tilaisuuden presentaatioihin ja katsele valokuvia
Programme: Wednesday 13 October 10am – 7pm
*Please note this is a preliminary programme. All rights to programme changes are reserved.
10:00am Registration & Coffee
10:30am Opening, Moderator Mr. Jarmo Eskelinen CEO Forum Virium Helsinki
Finnish Chinese Technology Co-operation Committee and China Development Bank
- Deputy Mayor Jukka Peltomäki, City of Vantaa: “Finland China Technology Cooperation Committee”
- Commissioner, Wang Guijun, China Development Bank: “China Development Bank co-operation in FCTCC”
Golden Bridge – A new platform for Finnish and Chinese business cooperation
- Customer Services Director Ms. Marika Mäkelä, Greater Helsinki Promotion
11.30am-12pm Break
12pm Sino-Finnish Innovation cooperation: case ATDF and Living Labs
- Professor Lou Yongqi, Tongji University Design Factory
- Professor Matti Hämäläinen, Aalto University
12.30pm Overview on Helsinki Region Innovation Environments
- Mr. Ossi Savolainen, Regional Mayor, Helsinki-Uusimaa Region
- Mr. Olli Nuuttila, CEO, Active Life Village
- Mr. Jarmo Eskelinen, CEO, Forum Virium Helsinki
- Mr. Jukka Wallinheimo, Executive Director, RFID Lab Finland
1pm-2pm Lunch
2pm-5pm Forum Virium Helsinki ”Smart City” session
This seminar will focus on introducing the Finnish Smart City services, alongside concrete case examples from Forum Virium Helsinki’s portfolio of digital services. We will also present the European Network of Living Labs and provide a chance for business matchmaking.
Moderator Mr Jarmo Eskelinen, CEO Forum Virium Helsinki
2pm – 3:30pm
- Mr Jarmo Eskelinen, CEO Forum Virium Helsinki: “Forum Virium Helsinki introduction”
- Dr Alvaro Oliveira, President of the European Network Of Living Labs: “The European Network of Living Labs- from Policy to methodology”
- Mr Pekka Koponen, Development Director, Smart City Project Area, Forum Virium Helsinki: “Building Enablers for Smarter City”
- Mr Timo Danilotschkin, CEO Proactum Oy: “The concept of Pro-Infotainment Center, Intelligent Information Management and Publishing System for Screens”
- Questions
3:30pm – 4pm: Break
4:00pm – 5pm
- Prof. Zhen Yu Gu, Director of Media & Interaction Design Centre, Shanghai Jiao Tong University: “Design for Emotion”
- Ms Helena Hyvärinen, Executive Director, Media Project Area, Forum Virium Helsinki: “Case Stadi.TV, and the Digital Guestbook”
- Ms Zhenyu Ying, VP of R&D of VELO Information Technology (Shanghai), Inc.: “Touch and Enjoy with VELO”
- Questions, conclusion
5pm: End of session
5pm: Buffet dinner, networking , live music and lucky draw!
Programme: Thursday 14 October 10am-7pm
*Please note this is a preliminary programme. All rights to programme changes are reserved.
Moderator Ms. Kristal Li, General Manager, FinChi
10:00am Registration & Coffee
10:30am Opening
Dr. Paavo Väyrynen, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development
10:50am-1pm: RFID and Future Applications session
Learn about RFID utilization both in current solutions and in future applications. Hear case studies by RFID Lab Finland, National RFID Base Shanghai, Fudan University AutoID Lab and RFID companies. Network with your future business partners during the breaks.
10.50am – 11.10am RFID Industry in China
Ms. Ji Jingqiu, Director, Shanghai Base of National RFID Industrialization
11.10am – 11.30am RFID Industry in Finland
Mr. Jukka Wallinheimo, Executive Director, RFID Lab Finland ry
11.30am – 11.50am RFID in Future Applications
Professor, Ph.D., Min Hao, Auto-ID Lab, Dept. of Microelectronics, Fudan University
11.50am – 12.10pm Q & A, discussions, coffee break
12.10pm – 12.30pm RFID Markets & Applications that Drive the Industry, “Where Is the Beef?”
Mr. Samuli Strömberg, Vice President, Marketing , UPM Raflatac
12.30pm – 12.50pm RFID business benefits and trends in industrial applications
Mr. Jarkko Miettinen, Vice President, Technology Development, Confidex Oy
12.50pm – 1.10pm Introduction to Fashion Innovation with RFID
Mr. Hu Peizhi, Area Manager, RDN Finland, COO, SENSO Asia Ltd
End of the RFID session
1.10pm – 2pm Lunch, networking
2:15pm-5pm Active Life Village session
Active Life Village Ltd with its Finnish partners, Aalto University and Laurea University of Applied Sciences, in cooperation with Chinese partners will present wellbeing innovations and concepts, for example Caring TV and Active Life Home. In addition to presentations and demos you can participate co-creating innovative new concepts for wellbeing and care services.
2.15pm Opening and presentation, Good life in Finland for elderly people, Dr Juha Metso, Deputy Mayor, Director of Social Services and Health, City of Espoo
2:25pm Statement from Shanghai Health Bureau (TBC)
2:35pm Presentation by Shanghai Changning District Governor Secretary (TBC)
2:45pm Statement from Tekes Shanghai (Name TBC)
2:55pm Statement from Shanghai Municipal Science & Technology Commission, (TBC)
3:05pm Photo and Signing Ceremony of the MoU of Aalto University, Changning Health Bureau, National Engineering Research Center for Broadband Networks & Applications and Shanghai Huashan Information Technology Ltd.
3.15pm Opening, Moderator Managing Director Olli Nuuttila, Active Life Village Ltd
3:20pm Developing an international test bed for ICT based Aging Care solutions, Prof. Matti Hämäläinen, Aalto University (Joint speech with Changning Health Bureau)
3:30pm CaringTV concept, Dr. Outi Kallioinen, Vice President, Laurea University of Applied Sciences
3:40pm Orkidea hospital concept, Project Manager Elina Kylmänen-Kurkela, Espoo Hospital, KimmoLintula, partner, K2S architect agency.
3:50pm Active Life Home concept, Olli Nuuttila, Managing Director, Active Life Village Ltd
4.00pm Closing and discussion, Olli Nuuttila
4:10pm – 5.00pm Networking and visiting the stands
– Live Caring TV program at Kirnu from Finnish elderly care people (between elderly people in Finland and Shanghai)
– Active Life Home concept with its partners
– Orkidea concepts
5pm-7pm Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences session
Opening address will be held by Ms. Riitta Konkola, President of Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. Presentations: The theme of this session is R&D co-operation with multinational enterprises and research institutes. Partner meetings and networking.
5.00pm Opening Address, Ms Riitta Konkola, President of Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
R&D co-operation with multinational enterprises, universities and research institutions
* The success story of ERA Electric Car
* Case: VisualRFID development project with KONE
* Case: Ubiquitous Helsinki – Vantaa Airport
Educational solutions for aging population health and rehabilitation challenges
7pm – 9pm Evening Reception on the VIP floor, courtesy of Metropolia
Buffet opens
Live music by Metropolia Pop Jazz, Heini Hautamäki Band
Guided tours to 2nd floor Exhibition
9.00pm Closing of the event
Aika: 10/13/2010 – 10:00 – 10/14/2010 – 19:00 – 10/13/2010 – 10:00 – 10/14/2010 – 19:00
Paikka: Suomen Kirnu-paviljonki, Shanghai