The city of Barcelona was chosen as the European Capital of Innovation in 2014-2015. The City Innovation Summit is a meeting space for experiences, concepts and tools to display innovative cities. An excellent complement to the very well known main event happening in Barcelona: the Smart City Expo.
The City Innovation Summit is focusing on how cities apply innovation to local administrations, on the bridge between public innovation and companies innovation, on social innovation and on conceiving the city as the natural place for innovation.
The event has an interesting programme: keynotes from e.g. Ann Mettler (Lisbon Council), Simon Gilles (Accenture), Bernard Le Masson (European Centre for Government Transformation) and Julian Ugarte; plus a number of cities like London, Milan, Dublin, Hamburg, Vienna, Amsterdam, Linz, Manchester, Montreal, New York, Boston, Medellín, Stockholm, Yokohama, Groningen, Genoa, Buenos Aires and Tianjin.
Forum Virium Helsinki also participates the event. On Monday 17 November, we have been invited in a workshop, as a representative of the city of Helsinki, to plan and establish a working group themed “a shared experience in innovation management in cities”. The group consists of the cities of Barcelona and Helsinki, plus four other cities.
Aika: 11/17/2014 – 09:00 – 11/18/2014 – 17:00 – 11/17/2014 – 09:00 – 11/18/2014 – 17:00
Paikka: Barcelona, Spain