Citisense 2014

Artikkelikuva: Citisense 2014

This is the second Smart City Forum organised by the World Bank. The aim is to enable cities from all over the world to exchange knowledge and information about smart cities, open innovation, efficient mobility and energy saving.

In 2013, the World Bank and partners hosted more than 240 attendants, including public officials from about 90 developing and developed cities – including city and municipal leaders, over 50 speakers, urban and energy specialists, and technologists.

Participants exchanged experiences and introduced them to innovative projects designed to enhance public service delivery through technology-enabled collaboration with citizens. The World Bank introduced its City Energy Efficiency Transformation Initiative, a three year program aimed at increasing investments in energy efficiency in developing country cities.
Forum Virium Helsinki is actively participating the event:
  • On Sunday 16 November, Jarmo Eskelinen is one of the speakers of Citisense’s “pecha kucha” evening.
  • On Monday 17 November at 15:00, Forum Virium Helsinki moderates a session related to sustainability: crowdfunding in the developing markets. The session will present crowdfunding sites Goteo and Indiegogo, and have presentations from cities of Nairobi and Barcelona.
  • On Monday 17 November at 17:15, Communities and Tools session will present Smart City toolikit, a publication of the European Network of Living Labs and World Bank. The toolkit includes CitySDK and Forum Virium Helsinki as one of its cases.


Aika: 11/17/2014 – 09:00 – 11/18/2014 – 18:00 – 11/17/2014 – 09:00 – 11/18/2014 – 18:00
Paikka: Barcelona, Spain

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