One Baltic Sea Region –hanke tähtää Itämeren alueen identiteettien ja imagojen yhteiseen vahvistamiseen. ONE BSR –hankkeen tarkoituksena on lisätä tietoisuutta ja vahvistaa kokemusta yhteisestä Itämeren alueesta. Hanke kytkeytyy Euroopan Unionin Itämeri-strategiaan, joka ohjaa koko alueen kehitystä.
Nyt ONE BSR etsii aktiivisia Itämeren alueella asuvia bloggaajia hankkeen pariin. Toiveissa on löytää englanniksi kirjoittavia bloggaajia kaikista Itämeren alueen maista. Blogin aihepiirin tulisi jollain tapaa käsitellä paikallista elämää, tapakulttuuria, yhteisöllisyyttä tai rajoja ylittävää yhteistyötä. Lue lisää ja hae mukaan! Hakuaika päättyy 4.2.2013.
Bloggers wanted: Spread your story around the whole Baltic Sea Region!
ONE BSR is an international project, co-funded by the EU via the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007- 2013 and implemented by 17 partners, covering the whole Baltic Sea Region (BSR). The project aims to identify elements for the image and identity of the Baltic Sea Region. It wants to show what this region has to offer and give the possibility to experience it as the locals do, as they enjoy their everyday lives.
For realizing this, ONE BSR is searching for people from around the Baltic Sea Region, who are eager to present their daily lives and pulsating things about their region/city as a regular blog on the international platform “newsWave” to people from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden and beyond. We look forward to get at least one blogger from each of the ten countries of the BSR to the first group of pioneers.
Artists, international researchers, entrepreneurs, travelers, students, members of a minority – in short: everybody with a worth telling story is announced to apply. Themes could be local lifestyle, traditions, coherence, cross-border topics etc. Diversity of bloggers and topics is valued.
If you want to be a part of this BSR bloggers’ community, you should be able to write simple everyday language, catchy and good English. Adding self-made images and videos would enhance the effect. You should also live in the BSR and have at least one year of experience in writing blogs.
While blogging on “newsWave”, you will reach out to a large local and international audience and you will create and be part of an intercultural network of bloggers. And: ONE BSR Project invites the most active and followed bloggers to an Experience trip around the Baltic Sea in the end of summer 2013.
Apply until 4 February and get the chance to create a new “BSR we-feeling”! For more details and to apply, please check this. For questions, please contact: Franziska Schindler, ARS BALTICA Secretariat (Germany):