CreatiFI-rahoituskierros päätökseen, mukana suomalaisyrityksiä

Artikkelikuva: CreatiFI-rahoituskierros päätökseen, mukana suomalaisyrityksiä

Luovien alojen CreatiFI-rahoituksen toinen hakukierros on päättynyt ja rahoitettavat projektit on valittu. Toisella hakukierroksella valittiin yhteensä yhdeksän eurooppalaista prototyyppiä, jotka saavat alkurahoitusta 20.000 € kaupallistamisen käynnistämiseen. Kaikkiaan rahoitusta on mahdollista saada jopa 100 000 €.

Open Call 2:n tavoitteena oli löytää tuote- ja palveluinnovaatioita, jotka ovat kaupallistamisvaiheessa. Vaatimuksena oli olemassa oleva proto tuotteesta tai palvelusta. Lisäksi projektin on hyödynnettävä FIWARE-teknologioita innovaatiossaan.

Hakemuksia saapui 126 kappaletta 15 eri maasta. Hakemuksien perusteella 32 yritystä pääsi lokakuussa Brysseliin pitchaamaan, eli esittelemään projektinsa.

Tuomaristossa oli kokeneita investoijia, jotka arvioivat mm. projektien business-potentiaalia, idean skaalautuvuutta ja rahoitusstrategiaa. Yhdeksän projektia valittiin rahoitettaviksi, mukana hienosti kaksi suomalaista pk-yritystä, LeeLu Nightlights ja Lume Games. Katso lista kaikista projekteista alta.

CreatiFI oli myös mukana Helsingissä Slush-konferenssissa, mihin saapuu vuosittain start-up-yrityksiä ympäri maailmaa. CreatiFI:n osastolla kävi moni tutustumassa FIWARE-teknologioihin ja mukana oleviin yrityksiin.

CreatiFI:n ja FIWAREN osasto Slushissa.

Rahoitukseen valitut projektit:

Artomatix (

Short description: Artomatix mobilizes the latest developments of Texture Synthesis, a sub-domain of Computer Science that starts getting commercial attention, to create revolutionary solutions that automate art creation, possibly the biggest hurdle in the development of numerous industries – some of them 100% digital (Video Game, Special effects, Virtual reality), some of them with real-world outputs (Industrial Design, Architecture, Arts, 3D printing). More specifically, Artomatix hinges on machine learning and computer vision to supports its example-based way of making art.


Short description: This innovative Austrian-Bulgarian start-up company developed the first-ever braille tablet, using a new liquid-based technology to create tactile relief outputting braille, graphics and maps for the blind and partially sighted.

LeeLu Nightlights (

Short description: LeeLuu Stories helps families sleep better through providing a platform for communication and storytelling around sleep and fear of darkness. Through using an interactive nightlight together with a storybook for smart pads an interwoven physical and digital experience is created. Through FIWARE technology, the sleeping and bedtime behaviour of the child is sensed by the nighlight. This data then affects the story to make it individual to the child and evolve with the child’s feelings so that the child and parent can communicate around them.

Lume Games (

Short description:  Lume Games developed Pet Spot, a game in which players catch animals from the real world. As players start the game, they see a colourful fantastic world where animals wonder around and the player’s goal is to catch animals and grow their own animal collection. The animals can build structures to the real world and each building attracts more animals to the location so players can collect more and rarer animals!
If players move in the real world, they encounter new locations that in turn have new kinds of animals. The game is a free to play game, where the players may buy certain upgrades to progress faster, but it is not necessary to use money to progress in the game.

GraphyStories (

Short description: GraphyStories is a new online Web and Social Analytics tool for the media industry.
GraphyStories monitors the big data from the Web and Social Networking Sites to empower content marketers and provide newsrooms with key content and insights about the performance of their editorial activities.

THEOplayer (

Short description: OpenTelly is a pioneer in the development of next generation HTML5-based playback solutions for the web. They have developed a fully HTML5 based video player, called THEOplayer, that can be used by broadcasters to easily stream their content to all popular platforms with a single streaming protocol. And because it is fully HTML5, this all happens without the need for viewers to have external plug-in such as Flash, Silverlight or QuickTime installed. (

Short description: For large ecommerce companies it’s very difficult to advertise each individual product with banners in advertising space that is highly relevant to their product. selects advertising spaces closely related to the content of the landingpage of the advertiser.
After implementation it is connected to the biggest ad exchanges like Appnexus, Google Doubleclick Ad Exchange, Facebook Ad Exchange and more. Within these ad inventories the system looks for the best locations to place your ads using data from your website.

UXvue (

Short description: UXvue is a software as a service (SaaS) that helps companies to eliminate bad user experiences on websites, web- and desktop applications, mobile apps and even services like shopping experiences, unboxing of products, etc. UXvue makes it easy to get feedback from the target market, wherever they are, so companies can protect their brand, boost conversions and provide good experiences with their products and services. 

Videobot (

Short description: Videobot wants to productize a social video recording application for enterprise brands conducting events and product/service sales. The recording of videos will be triggered from smartphone browsers and will be controlled, designed and branded by enterprises depending how they need to use it.
Videobot also wants to extract more valuable info related to the recording of videos. Such information can be mapped to value across applications, locations, events, enterprise functions, management layers, content, … Value can be qualified in terms of productivity gains, engagement gains, and revenue gains.


Kaisa Sibelius
puh. +358 40 570 1317

CreatiFI-hanketta rahoittaa Euroopan unioni. Taustalla on suuri EU:n hankkeiden kokonaisuus, jossa jaetaan yrityksille kaikkiaan 80 miljoonaa euroa rahoitusta. Tavoitteena on edistää Euroopan kilpailukykyä monella eri sektorilla tarjoamalla jo kehitettyjä teknologioita yritysten käyttöön ja tukemalle kehitystyötä myös rahallisesti. Forum Virium Helsinki on yksi hankkeen neljästä alueellisesta partenerista Belgian, Barcelonan ja Trenton ohella.

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