- Day 1, Tuesday 25th of August at 14h30
Creating a Smart City Vision in a Living Lab – Case Study of Smart Kalasatama Vision-building ProcessOn this day dedicated for research, Veera Mustonen will be presenting Smart Kalasatama’s vision-building process. The vision, one hour more a day, was formulated together with residents, companies and city of Helsinki, people living and working in the area. At Forum Virium Helsinki, Veera leads the Smart Kalasatama project, growing Helsinki’s Kalasatama area into a worldclass model district of smart urban development.
See other living lab cases in this session: http://openlivinglabdays.com/research-papers-session-3-living-lab-cases
- Day 3, Thursday 27th of August at 11h30
Co-creating alternative smart city roadmaps in Living LabsOn the day three, Smart Kalasatama will organise a workshop that will provide a hands-on simulation experience of creating a smart city roadmap in multi stakeholder groups. The aim is to discuss how different stakeholders can be involved in the creation urban services. The participants will also explore how can we make the development of smart cities more collaborative by using a range of living lab methods.
In a smart city living lab, there has been a need to concretize the smart city solutions to a variety of stakeholders. This workshop presents a Smart City Inspiration Card set, designed for Smart Kalasatama. The set can be used for co-creating and evaluating alternative smart city roadmaps.
The cards will be used to facilitate co-creation between the residents, citizens, companies, service developers as well as city planning professionals. Working with the cards, the participants can build smart city roadmaps from different perspectives. The workshop allows people to share their experiences in a fun, visual and engaging manner.
The session is facilitated by Veera Mustonen, Maija Bergström and Kaisa Spilling from Forum Virium Helsinki.
- Day 4, Friday 28th of August at 12h30
CEO of Forum Virium Helsinki Jarmo Eskelinen will give a closing speech as the chair of ENoLL. The other keynotes are Alberto Martin Torras and Mevlüt Uysal.
OpenLivingLab Days from European Network of Living Labs on Vimeo.