Urban Air Mobility takes off in Helsinki

Artikkelikuva: Urban Air Mobility takes off in Helsinki

Drones and other low altitude flight technologies are a growing business. A new study offers three roles for cities adapting to the new form of mobility.

In Helsinki, urban air mobility is growing. It means there will be more low-altitude flight operations in urban areas in the upcoming years.

In 2022, there were an estimated 30 000 drone flights. Between 3 000 and 5 000 of them were carried out by professionals. Especially, provision of information and transports for health and rescue services could be among growing drone services. 

In 2030, urban aviation could constitute a 20-80 million euros service market, concludes a study commissioned by the City of Helsinki. 

Three roles for the city

The study has three descriptions of the City of Helsinki’s role as part of the urban air mobility ecosystem. The city could be a value-seeker, an enabler or an active player. 

As a minimum, the city should monitor the development and the public acceptance. It should also investigate the possibilities. Drone services could be useful for the cities as well, for example as part of the maintenance operations.

Our CITYAM project could help with that. Its aim is to support and empower cities in facilitating responsible and acceptable increase in urban air mobility. Regulation, policies and public opinions will all affect the growth of the Urban Air Mobility market. Cities must take a role in coordinating the urban airspace usage. The study was conducted by FLOU and Robots.Expert.

Read more about the project!

Read the whole study about urban mobility in Helsinki!
Read the executive summary of the UAM report in English.

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