The Cross-Border Dimensions of Disruptive Information Technologies (CroBoDDIT) project promoted the development of significant ICT technologies and their implementation particularly in solid waste management in Finland and Russia. The keywords of the project were IoT, Big Data and blockchain technologies. The project acted as a platform for exchanging best practices and creating cooperation networks between the companies and cities of Helsinki and Saint Petersburg, as well as their various units and residents.
During the project, several hackathon events were organised as part of business cooperation and study programmes at partner universities. Furthermore, practical trials were conducted for applicable IoT technology and for equipment and blockchain trials related to waste management. In addition to the above, new ideas and development needs relating to the opportunities of waste management and ICT technologies were sought through workshops and surveys.
The CroBoDDIT project ran until March 2022, and its EU funding came via the South-East Finland–Russia CBC Programme, and the cities of Saint Petersburg and Helsinki. The partners were Forum Virium Helsinki, Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT) and ITMO University and SPb IAC (St. Petersburg Information and Analytical Centre) in Saint Petersburg. The project was led by LUT.
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