The new Kalasatama area of Helsinki is an experimental innovation platform to co-create smart urban infrastructure and services.
This centrally located old harbour area is developed flexibly and through piloting, in close co-operation with residents, companies, city officials and other stakeholders.
By the beginning of the 2030s, Kalasatama district will offer a home for approximately 20,000 residents and jobs for 8,000 people. Currently, there are 2,000 people living in the area.
One more hour a day
Smart Kalasatama grows to a world-class district of smart, sustainable living. The vision of Kalasatama is that smart services save one hour of citizen’s time every day.
For Kalasatama’s residents, smart city means a smoother daily life and good city services. The services are good, because they have been tried and tested together with the residents.
Free time is a precious commodity to most people. One extra hour of free time a day will allow them to make more conscious choices in terms of energy consumption, transport and logistics, for instance.
Driving innovation
Kalasatama is a living lab, a practical test and development laboratory for innovative services. It boosts co-creation of new urban services in a real environment with the users and people living in the area.
The city of Helsinki, industry SMEs and researchers all participate and bring their know-how to the mix.
Smart Kalasatama’s projects drive innovation with service design, user-driven design and participatory co-creation methods.
By bringing together different kinds of actors operating and living in the area, new innovations can be born. Start-up’s, residents, SME’s, researchers, large companies, builders, and the city are all bringing their projects and experiments to the mix.
Agile piloting is a key element in the Smart Kalasatama project and is aimed at user engagement and experimentation. The Programme for Agile Piloting buys small pilots that provide new innovative services for people living in the Kalasatama area. It gives an opportunity to reach users and test ideas in a real life setting.
Innovators’ Club is a collaboration network for everyone involved in developing the district. It helps participants to regularly share news and get information about upcoming events and future projects. Through networking and sharing, the goal is also to speed up innovation by finding new matches for collaboration and projects. The Innovators’ Club represents a new kind of district-based co-operation.
Smart infrastructure
Kalasatama is Finland’s first model district of smart energy systems. The area has a smart energy grid, and it hosts massive solar park and electricity storage facility. The smart grid also supports eco-friendly district cooling systems and electric vehicle use, among others.
Helen, ABB, Helen Sähköverkko and Fingrid are carrying out technology co-operation with an objective of building a globally significant district by combining the latest energy, information and communications technology. Kalasatama is a place to test and utilise new smart energy services.
Information of water and energy consumption of appliances can be followed and appliances turned on and off in real time with a mobile phone or tablet. Automated waste collection system whooshes trash to centralised containers through underground pipes.
Smart containers put together by PiggyBaggy were a chance to pilot 24/7 local services and on crowdsourced logistics.
Smart Kalasatama map
View current smart city services in the area, as well as upcoming innovations and those not seen by the eye.
Part of the 6Aika Six City Strategy
The 6Aika Six City Strategy is a strategy for sustainable urban development carried out by the six largest cities in Finland (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Tampere, Oulu and Turku). Smart Kalasatama is one of the 6Aika Open innovation platforms and part of the spearhead project of the City of Helsinki.
The goal is to make Smart Kalasatama an internationally recognised model of smart city innovation. At the same time, it will serve to establish best practices for innovation activities.
During 2015-2017, Smart Kalasatama is funded by the European Regional Development Fund, the City of Helsinki and the Ministry of Employment and the Economy. The project is coordinated by Forum Virium Helsinki.
Kalasatama is growing into the smart city district of Helsinki, co-created with residents, companies, city officials and other stakeholders.
@fiksukalasatama #smartkalasatama

Kerkko Vanhanen
Mobile: +358 40 596 8296
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