Members and cooperating partners primarily satisfied with Forum Virium Helsinki
Around New Year, Forum Virium Helsinki examined what its members and other closest cooperating partners thought about its operation. Clearly most of the respondents were satisfied with their cooperation with Forum Virium Helsinki.
“We are glad about the feedback that was primarily positive. Naturally, there is always room for improvement, so we are thankful for all the development suggestions we received whether they are linked with project areas, the transparency of project processes or for example event themes”, says Communications and Development Director Pauliina Smeds.
Additional value from cooperation, special interest in open data
A clear majority of the respondents, 76 percent, found cooperation with Forum Virium Helsinki to bring added value to their organization. A total of 57 percent was very satisfied or satisfied with project cooperation, while 19 percent was fairly satisfied.
The outstandingly most interesting of Forum Virium Helsinki project themes was open data (86 percent of respondents). The second theme that stood out was smart city (67 percent of respondents). The following nearly equally interesting themes (43-48 percent) came third: user-driven innovation, new forms of media, welfare and innovative public procurement.
Satisfaction with communication and events
The respondents were satisfied with Forum Virium Helsinki events and communication. A total of 72 percent of the respondents were very satisfied or satisfied with the events. 62 percent of the respondents were very satisfied or satisfied with communication and 28 percent were fairly satisfied. A total of 71 percent of the respondents were very satisfied or satisfied with the communication frequency and 24 percent were fairly satisfied. There were no occurrences of dissatisfaction with communication frequency or communication and events generally.
“We also asked for example what channels of communication best reach our members. The feedback is taken into consideration when choosing the focuses in communication”, Smeds says.
The partnership poll was carried out in the same format also last year, and the current year’s results are largely similar to those of the previous poll. In the future, the poll is done annually.
More than half of the respondents were representatives of public administration, one fourth were from companies and the rest from other organizations.
Warmest thanks to all respondents! The next partnership poll will be carried out at the end of 2013.
More information:
Pauliina Smeds
Communications and Development Director
tel. +358 40 717 3269