This year, the Open Finland Challenge competition received a record 151 entries in 5 challenge categories – including competition entries from several countries. A total of 60 works have been selected as the finalists for competition. Open Finland Challenge looks for the best applications, services, concepts and ideas, which support active citizenship, improve services or enable a more open and efficient government. See the finalist works below!
The categories were extremely competitive – in particular the “Mobility and Tourism” and “Public Services, Active Citizens” -categories – and many high-quality submissions were left out of the shortlist. In selection of finalists the judges, led by chief judge Ilkka Pirttimaa, emphasized: need and potential impact, quality of work, future development potential and innovativeness.
The best of the best will be selected at the Open Finland Challenge Awards gala on December 3rd, 2015, 3-8 PM, at Bio Rex Helsinki. Register to the gala event here:
The shortlisted finalists of the categories – and the number of awards given per category are as follows:
Mobility and Tourism (6 prizes – 19 shortlisted finalists)
- Aikataulunäyttö mille tahansa Suomen junaliikenteen asemalle tai junalle.
- Cook With a Local – A sharing economy platform connecting the world through cooking together
- Deepak Bhatia
- Droblets: Are you local enough?
- Julia – Junaliikenteen havaintojärjestelmä Julia tarjoaa erityisesti rautatieharrastukseen junien aikataulutietoja.
- Routes – a social community where people create and share travel recommendations
- Service Map of the Helsinki Capital Area Find services in the Helsinki capital area in a personalized way
- Smoother e-commerce with NFleet NFleet can make e-commerce same day delivery cost-efficient with optimization
- – Accessible maps for all Color tactile maps made with a web browser and with a design for all approach
- Tampereen esteetön joukkoliikenne : Invarampillist bussit ja niiden reitit kartalla
- Tampereen keskustan pysäköinti : Tampereen keskustan pysäköintimahdollisuudet ja -hinnat kartalla
- Transporter Transporter automates the way you use public transportation
- Trip planner with estimation of bus connection chance
- TripGo in Finland. Planning your ride through the city is a whole lot easier with TripGo!
- Tuup All mobility services at your hand.
- Wireless Bus Stop Display (Turku) Your very own wireless, realtime, Bus stop arriving display
- Matkakortti -mobiilisovellus Automaattiset muistutukset julkisenliikenteen matkakorttisi tilasta.
- Perille Perille service makes using of the public transportation easier
- Points Points is a reward system for citizens that use public transportation.
Media, Arts and Culture (3 prizes – 9 shortlisted finalists)
- AreenaX Little Yle Areena player for the Mac. No Flash needed. With AirPlay support.
- Eventmore Eventmore is an affordable mobile media for event organizers and cities
- suomalainen historiallisten paikkojen ja karttojen ontologiapalvelu
- Messis updated: Helsinki and Turku Connecting organizations, ideas and people through events
- – crowdsourcing for historic photographs
- The Contrivance Engine – Jopas! Inspire from history and have an influence for making a better future
- The flow towards Europe – Visualising the flow of asylum seekers to European countries
- Who played there? Teosto live event data combined with Discogs artist data + new API
- Ylen Elävä arkisto kartalla Sovellus näyttää Ylen Elävän arkiston artikkeleita kartalla.
Education and Science (3 prizes – 9 shortlisted finalists)
- Baltic sea ship position animation Animation showing ship position tendencies in the Baltic sea during 2014
- Better Understanding of Citizens With AI Predictive analysis of big, open data for the good of society
- Fnewspaper project The Key Concepts of Socialism in Finnish Newspapers 1895-1910 (DHH15-work)
- Koodausta kouluun. Suomenkielistä oppimateriaalia ohjelmoinnin opettamiseen yläkoulun matematiikassa
- Koodiaapinen on talkoovoimin rakennettu MOOC ja materiaalipankki peruskoulun opettajille.
- Qlma – Parempaa viestintää koulun ja kodin välille.
- Scratch-klubi. Opi visuaalinen ohjelmointikieli (Scratch) ongelmia ratkoen.
- Slush Smackdown -koodauspelissä ohjelmoidaan oma painija ja pelataan reaaliaikaisesti muita vastaan
Food and Wellness (3 prizes – 9 shortlisted finalists)
- Hiilarimies Enjoyable learning game for children with type 1 diabetes.
- Liikkumisen pelillistäminen
- Liikuntapaikkojen/polkujen seurantaverkko
- Oral fluid intake-watch for elderly Smartwatch with gyroscope to monitor elderly people are drinking enough.
- Reipas – An app to rekindle the use of Paavonpolut via the inclusion of social media
- SKIIOT-hiihtomittari
- Työturvallisuus Työturvallisuuden parantamiseen mobiilisovellus.
- We help you plan and order meals suitable for you.
- WeSport Want to do sport, choose WeSport!
Public Services, Active Citizens (5 prizes – 15 shortlisted finalists)
- #HelsinkiPäätökset Browse and share info about City of Helsinki decisions via Android app
- – 3D terrain map of Finland running in browsers.
- Asukaspysäköinti Helsingissä Helsingin asukaspysäköinnin tuominen nykypäivään
- AutoBuy C2C Car Trade made easy, convenient and secure.
- Budjetoi Puisto – Participative budgeting game for urban planning, design and procurement
- Butterfly Effect Project Urban planning project merging citizens, social media and open
- FINNIDA esittelee Suomen kehitysyhteistyövaroin tuettuja hankkeita maailmalla.
- Kannattaako kauppa? – Asuntojen hintatrendien tilastollinen mallinnus ja visualisointi
- NoTow – Get notified about street cleanings and evade possible towing fees.
- RefugeeDirect An online market place connecting Givers to Refugee Projects
- Salama Hello! Language driven smart mobile application helping people connect and communicate!
- Semanttinen Finlex: laki ja oikeus linkitettynä avoimena datana
- Verkkoperukirja Verkkopalvelu perunkirjoituksen järjestämiseksi.
- Paikkatiedot ja palvelut asunnon sijainnin valinnan helpottamiseksi
- Mushrooming – Co-working space network supports the culture of shared workspaces.
Further information: