Open Cities opens an Urban Lab call in Barcelona: participate before 15th of September 2012

Artikkelikuva: Open Cities opens an Urban Lab call in Barcelona: participate before 15th of September 2012

The European Open Cities project opens an Urban Lab call for companies who are able to improve energy efficiency in existing buildings and want to try their solution in the city of Barcelona.

Call for companies addressing the following challenge: “Which technologies of generation, storage and distribution could an existing building integrate in order to reduce its energy demand?”

The winner will run its pilot in municipal buldings of Barcelona in the framework of Barcelona Urban Lab, whose aim is to facilitate the use of public spaces in the city of Barcelona to carry out tests and pilot programs on products and services with an urban impact. The idea is to use the city as an urban laboratory. Deadline: 15th of September 2012.

Get an insight to the Barcelona Urban Lab watching the video: Barcelona Urban Lab (opencities)
Get detailed information on the Call and participate under:

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