Mobility Urban Values (MUV) project levers behavioural change in local communities using an innovative approach to improve urban mobility: changing citizens’ habits through a game. Join us and apply, open call closes 31 October.
A citizen group, a local business organisation, the city government, a university or a research centre from all kind of neighbourhoods – rural and urban, sparse and populous, low-tech and smart – can join!
The integration of new neighbourhoods into the MUV network will take place through a shared agenda for local implementation, with a common schedule starting in January 2019 and lasting approximately one year. This will include:
- Co-creation sessions to develop local visions and mobility strategies.
- Co-design sessions to customize the MUV app and the web dashboard and build the monitoring stations.
- Cross-network workshops to share experiences and strategies with other MUVerhoods.
Mobility and environmental data gathered via the mobile app and the monitoring stations help policymakers to enhance planning processes and civic hackers to build new services to improve the quality of life in cities.
Applicants are invited to complete the online form. You will then be contacted by a MUV partner who will accompany you through the application process. The deadline for submission is October 15th 2018.
About MUV
MUV stands for Mobility Urban Values and it is an EU-funded project that promotes a shift towards more sustainable and healthy mobility choices by engaging in a positive way with local communities, local businesses, policymakers and Open Data enthusiasts. MUV solutions are open and have been co-created with a strong learning community of users and stakeholders over the last 15 months. They have already been piloted in a set of diverse urban neighbourhoods – MUVerhoods – spread across Europe: Amsterdam (NL), Barcelona (ES), Fundao (PT), Ghent (BE), Helsinki (FI) and Palermo (IT). As the pilot experimentation enters the next phase, now it is the time to engage new communities to enrich the MUV approach with fresh perspectives, unforeseen problems and unexpected creativities. That is the purpose of the first Open Call for MUVerhoods.
Join the MUV network of innovating cities become a MUverhood and improve the quality of life in your neighbourhood!