A new residential area is currently being built in Kalasatama, Helsinki, in which new kind of smart urban development is experimented. The area is developed through agile experimenting, and the use of open data.
As a result, the area will become Fiksu Kalasatama (“Smart” Kalasatama), a worldclass model district of smart urban development. Fiksu Kalasatama grows from the collaboration between the city, companies and residents. It also utilizes open data – unrefined data made available for free by the public administration, businesses, organizations and private individuals.
“Fiksu Kalasatama aims to be a development environment that joins together the research, development and innovation activities of businesses, and the development of city services. Companies and the city bring their projects to Fiksu Kalasatama; the ideas are being developed, tested and composed together with the inhabitants and those working in the area”, says Project Manager Hannu Asikainen of the City of Helsinki.
Launching Fiksu Kalasatama
In the following year, the work in Kalasatama focuses on creating models, structures and other prerequisites central to the further development activities. Forum Virium Helsinki manages the project as a subcontractor of the city. The unit in charge is the Urban Development Economic and Planning Centre of the City of Helsinki.
The Fiksu Kalasatama involves the central actors in the City of Helsinki and a group of businesses with development operations in the area. Tekes – the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation – has a Smart City program and Fiksu Kalasatama is its first pilot project.
The Kalasatama urban neighborhood will continue to be built all the way to the 2030s. A total of 20,000 inhabitants will live in the area, and 8,000 jobs are expected. At the moment, the population of Kalasatama is approximately 1,500.
For further information please contact:
Forum Virium Helsinki
Development Director Roope Ritvos
Tel +358 40 466 2161