Ultrahack: Europe’s largest hackathon in Helsinki

Artikkelikuva: Ultrahack: Europe’s largest hackathon in Helsinki

Date: 6.-8.11.2015
Time: All day
Venue: Konepajan Bruno, Aleksis Kiven Katu 17 A, 00510 Helsinki

Link: https://os.ultrahack.org/register/

Attention all Smart City innovators! Register yourself and your team to Europe’s largest and coolest hackathon SlushHacks & Ultrahack taking place in Helsinki on November 6-8. Thus, please register at os.ultrahack.org latest on October 30 and participate in solving the City of Helsinki’s competition challenges. You can win great prizes and get recognition as well as visibility for your talent and work. There are travel grants available for international participants.

Winners will be presented at SLUSH on the 11th of November
SlushHacks and Ultrahack are organized in connection of SLUSH on the weekend prior to SLUSH: Ultrahack and SlushHacks take place on Nov 6-8 and actual SLUSH on Nov 11-12. The best solutions of each Ultrahack track will be presented at SLUSH on the 11th of November. The ultimate winner of SlushHacks will be granted a prize of minimum 20.000 euros in Slush, on the evening of 11th of November. Check all the prizes of Slushhacks and Ultrahack here.

City of Helsinki seeking solutions for Smart Cities
The City of Helsinki and Open Finland Challenge, in cooperation with Forum Virium Helsinki, host the Smart City and Civic Tech track of the Ultrahack competition. The city of Helsinki offers numerous competition challenges for innovators and developers to be solved. Both students and corporate teams are warmly welcome to participate in the hackathon, competing in separate categories.

Read more about Ultrahack:



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