The 3rd Smart City Exchange Forum takes place on 26th January 2023. FinEst Centre for Smart Cities also organises two side events for the Exchange Forum: 25th January 2023 PhD School and 27th January 2023 Research groups and further collaboration forum

Location: The Old Town of Tallinn in Tallinn Teachers’ House (Raekoja plats 14, Tallinn, Estonia)
Time: 10.00–17.00 Tallinn time (EET). Followed by Networking Reception 17.00–19.00
The 3rd Smart City Exchange Forum with the theme “Collaboration drives innovation: City-to-City, Research & Innovation partnerships” aims to enhance the cooperation and networking between researchers, cities, policy makers, companies and other relevant stakeholders for developing sustainable, resilient, and smarter urban environment.
The Exchange Forum has been an online event due to the COVID pandemics but this year we are pleased to host the event in Tallinn with live audience so everyone joined can meet face to face.
Event’s moderator: Neeme Raud
10.00 Coffee and Registration
10.30 Joint Opening by Mayors of Helsinki and Tallinn, Juhana Vartiainen and Mihhail Kõlvart
10.50 Twin Cities Concept of Helsinki and Tallinn. Marko Nieminen, Aalto University and Ralf-Martin Soe, FinEst Centre for Smart Cities.
11.10 Place-Based Innovation in Helsinki and Tallinn. Jaanus Müür, TalTech
11.30 Flagship examples of Helsinki and Tallinn City2City Research and Innovation collaboration
- Green Twins pilot addresses the issue of urban greenery and how it can be better taken into account in planning processes for sustainable and more democratic cities. Fabian Dembski, TalTech and High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart and Aija Staffans, Aalto University.
- Urban Open Platform for cross-border data exchange. Timo Ruohomäki, Forum Virium Helsinki
- IRIS project conducts an energy cyber security use case in the cross-border cities. Nikita Akmaikin, Forum Virium Helsinki
- TREASoURcE aims to initiate systemic change by developing systemic circular economy solutions in cities via setting up exploitation, replication and transferable practices. Anna Tenhunen-Lunkka, VTT
12.15 City Twinnings Panel of Hellinn, Talsinki and beyond.
13.00 Networking Lunch
14.00 Smart City Keynote: Global Review of Smart City Governance Practices, Luca Mora, Edinburgh Napier University & Tallinn University of Technology
14.30 Flagship examples of City2City collaboration in Europe
- NetZeroCities project helps 100 EU Cities to reach net-zero by 2030. It has recently launched €32 million euro Pilot Cities programme where pilot cities will be coupled with twin cities.
- Urban Learning Center for Eastern Partnership cities. The UNDP is setting up an Urban Learning Center for 300 cities in Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and the Republic of Moldova with Tallinn as a potential Nordic Star Inspirational City. Elina Jarvela, UNDP.
- CityAM project combines 3 larger Baltic Sea Cities (Helsinki, Hamburg and Stockholm) with 3 replicator cities (Tartu, Riga and Gdansk) for developing and implementing a joint concept for urban air pilots.
- CityScape project researches the interplay between security controls and multimodal transport systems in the cities of Tallinn and Genova.
- Ediaqi project deals with emerging indoor air pollution in multiple cities across Europe, building onto DigiAudit pilot with cities of Tallinn and Tartu.
- UrbanLifeCycles project introduces adaptive community-based biodiversity management in urban areas for improved connectivity and ecosystem health for cities of Tartu, Aarhus and Riga.
15.45 Lessons learnt: FinEst Smart City Pilots.
The lessons learnt session on the FinEst smart city pilots with a discussion focusing on how cities collaborate and learn within those pilots, both in terms of peer-to-peer format but also within Research and Innovation ecosystems. Introduction to the Piloting Program by Külle Tärnov, FinEst Centre for Smart Cities, and presentations regarding the progress of Well-Being Score (Ivo Fridolin) and DigiAudit (Martin Thalfeldt) pilots.
16.30 Q&A and Closure
17.00 Networking Reception in the Old Town
If you are interested to join, please register by 20th January 2023. Please note that there are limited seats available.
Additional information

Matti Hämäläinen
Project Manager
+358 40 626 7995