Shaping the Future of Digital Social Innovation in Europe

Artikkelikuva: Shaping the Future of Digital Social Innovation in Europe

Discussing how digital technologies and the internet are changing how social innovation happens

Over the last 18 months the European Commission has funded a pioneering study on Digital Social Innovation in the context of the Digital Agenda lead by Nesta, the Waag Society, Esade and L’Institut de recherche et d’innovation.
An event is now being organized to take place in Brussels where the results and key findings of the project will be presented including recommendations from the research on, defining and understanding DSI, crowdmapping networks of DSI organisations in Europe and developing policy, funding and regulatory measures that can support the further growth of DSI. The day will also include detail on the next round of research and funding instruments for DSI and collective awareness platforms in Europe.
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08:30 Welcome of participants
09:00 -09:30 Opening session: What have we learned about digital social innovation, what does the future look like?
• Geoff Mulgan CEO, Nesta
• Fabrizio Sestini, Scientific Officer, European Commission’s DG Connect
09:30-09:50 Presentation of the DSI study final results – Francesca Bria, Nesta
09:50-11.00 The digital social innovators perspective
Chair: Robert Madelin, Director General of European Commission’s DG Connect
• Renata Avila, World Wide Web Foundation
• Zoe Romano, Arduino
• Tom Steinberg,  mySociety and Populus project
• Tomas Diez, Smart Citizens Kit, FabLab Barcelona
• Rob van Kranenburg, Internet of Things Council & Sociotal
11:00- 11:30 Break
11:30 – 12:30 The policy perspective – Digital & Social for the future of Europe
Chair: Jesus Villasante, Head of Unit, European Commission’s DG Connect
• Patrizia Toia, European Parliament TBC
• Julia Reda, European Parliament
• Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris TBC
• Marijete Schaake, European Parliament
12:30-13:30 What kind of institutional change is needed for Europe?
Chair: Geoff Mulgan, Nesta
• Ann Mettler, Head of the European Political Strategy Centre TBC
• Evgeny Morozov, writer and editorialist
• Chris Sigaloff, Director of Kennisland
• Xavier Troussard, JRC European Commission
• Marleen Stikker, Waag Society
13:30 Closing address Mario Campolargo, European Commission’s DG Connect

Time: 02/17/2015 – 09:00 – 14:00 – 02/17/2015 – 09:00 – 14:00
Venue: Event venue Charlemagne Building De Gasperi Room 170 Rue de la Loi, Brussels


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