Workshop: Agile Piloting to accelerate urban service development
Place: Montreal, Canada
Date: 23.-26.08.2016
Time: 09:00 – 18:00
OpenLivingLab Days is the annual summit of the worldwide Living Lab community, formally the ENoLL Summer School. The annual 4 day event includes interactive sessions, workshops, lively discussion panels with excursions and off-site visits with the aim of giving the participants a wider insight about models, theories and technologies related to Living Labs. Participants have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience from the leading experts on the subject and to network with other Living Lab enthusiasts. We will welcome the 10th Wave of new ENoLL members to the network and hold a special conference day with the World Wide Community of Living Labs.
After six successful editions in Paris 2010, Barcelona 2011, Helsinki 2012, Manchester 2013, Amsterdam 2014 and Istanbul 2015, the 7th edition will be held in Montreal, Canada from the 23rd to the 26th of August 2016 and is organised by European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) and hosted by Communautique and Concordia University, in collaboration with Tourisme Montreal, the Quartier de l’innovation, members of the Quebec Network of Living Labs and France Living Labs.
Register here.
Forum Virium Helsinki is a part of the European Network of Living Labs and is participating in the annual summit. The theme of the workshop facilitated by the Smart Kalasatama project is Agile Piloting to accelerate urban service development.
The new Kalasatama area of Helsinki is an experimental innovation platform to co-create smart urban infrastructure and services. Smart Kalasatama’s Program for Agile Piloting enables start-ups, SME’s or other smart service developers to test early service prototypes in real life conditions with real users.
The objective of the workshop is to share our method, learnings and set-up of agile piloting. What are the benefits of involving SME’s as well as other stakeholders in the creation of new smart city services? We also want to raise discussion on the methods for collaborative co-creation of smarter districts and services and discuss and collect best practices.
Start-ups, SME’s or other smart service, living lab methods
The new Kalasatama area of Helsinki is an experimental innovation platform to co-create smart urban infrastructure and services. The Program for Agile Piloting aims to experiment future services for the citizens together with startups, SMEs residents, and the public sector. The program provides a real life testbed for start-ups and other smart service developers. The program selects and procures small pilots for 1000–8000 euros. Solutions are developed and tested in Kalasatama Living Lab with the residents. Kalasatama Living Lab procures 20 service experiments during two years in 2015-2017.
Discussion topics in the workshop include
– Benefits for different stakeholders involved
– Philosophy of experimentation: accelerating real life tests of new ideas in smart city development
– Feedback and learnings from other Living labs as a facilitated session in small groups
The workshop is targeted for people running or starting urban living labs and looking for collaborative methods to engage diverse stakeholders, especially SMEs. We wish to see participants from municipalities, NGOs, industry, SMEs and academia.
Veera Mustonen (veera.mustonen@forumvirium.fi) and
Kaisa Spilling (kaisa.spilling@forumvirium.fi)
#ENoLL #agilepiloting