Helsinki hosts a Connected Smart Cities Conference 18 November 2010 in Helsinki. The event brings together people involved in Smart Cities development and Living Labs.
Forum Virium Helsinki is one of the coordinators of this networking event.
Presentations from this conference can be found at
Photos from Connected Smart Cities conference
Morning session:
Sustainable Smart Cities and European Innovation Strategies
This high-level opening session will focus on the different European strategies to become a Smart City. Distinguished speakers from across Europe, including Mayors and Directors, will provide diverse perspectives on issues relevant to sustainable and open Smart Cities and European innovation strategies.
The aim of the conference is to raise awareness about developments in the fields of Future Internet research and collaborative innovation into EU Living Labs leading and sustaining Smart Cities.
Mr. Markku Markkula, Aalto University, Committee of the Regions,
Rapporteur on Digital Agenda
Registration and Coffee
Welcoming remarks
Smart City Helsinki
Mr. Pekka Sauri, Deputy Mayor of City of Helsinki
Key note:
The City as an Innovation Space for Future Internet
Research and Development of Europe
Mr. Antti Peltomäki, Deputy Director General, European Commission
Towards Design Driven Innovation Policy – Experiences from Helsinki
Mr. Eero Holstila, Director of Economic Development, City of Helsinki
Bringing together the Elements of Future Internet and
Living Labs in City Context
Mr. Michael Nilsson, Coordinator, FIREBALL Coordination Action
Using Digital Spaces and ICT to enhance the City Life
Representatives of Smart Cities in Europe
Afternoon session:
From Local to Cross-Border Initiatives to support – Smart Cities Collaboration
This session will be addressing Living Labs, Future Internet based services and Smart Cities from ongoing cross-border city initiatives in the fields of Open Innovation, Public Private Partnerships and Future ICT enabled services. Participants will discuss how developments and possibilities offered by today’s and future Internet technologies, platforms and applications can sustain open and participatory innovation ecosystems, and drive towards more innovative and effective cities, thus addressing the question how cities can act as networked innovation ecosystems accelerating development and take-up of new technology enabled services. In addition, the Connected Smart City Network will be launched supported by DG Information Society and Media and the Eurocities network. This network will bring together different European cities to lay the ground of networked Smart cities for new economy, jobs and skills, but also new ways of working and a new quality of life that will serve the locality and its people and businesses well for decades to come.
Inspiring speakers will highlight major themes, and presentations will be made from the European funded initiatives of “Open Innovation for future Internet-enabled Services in Smart Cities.”
Jarmo Eskelinen, Executive Director, Forum Virium Helsinki
Digital Dimensions of Cities – the new Intelligence of Cities
Helsinki Region Infoshare (Local Partnership)
Ms. Asta Manninen, Director, City of Helsinki Urban Facts
Helsinki Smart City Projects
Express2Connect, StadiTV, Smart Urban Spaces
Open Innovation for Future Internet-enabled Services in Smart Cities
Presentations from the European funded initiatives (CIP ICT PSP Call 4)
Smart-Islands, SMARTiP, Peripherria, People, Open Cities, Life, Epic
Networked Living Labs boosting Smart City Evolution
Dr Alvaro de Oliveira, President of the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL)
Apollon (Advanced Pilots of Living Labs Operating in Networks) – Leveraging and Harmonizing open innovation platforms in Europe
Dr. Petra Turkama, Aalto School of Economics,
Center of Knowledge and Innovation Research (CKIR)
Closing Session
Launch of the Connected Smart City Network
Mr. Antti Peltomäki, Deputy Director General, European Commission
Mr. Dave Carter, Head of the Manchester Digital Development Agency (MDDA), Manchester City Council
Networking Reception
Sponsored by Culminatum
Rights to programme changes are reserved.
Time: 11/18/2010 – 09:00 – 18:00 – 11/18/2010 – 09:00 – 18:00
Venue: Helsinki City Hall, Pohjoisesplanadi 11-13, Helsinki