The European Commission organises the 2nd European CITIES Forum on the 2nd of June to discuss the urban dimension of EU policies and the next steps towards an EU urban agenda.
The CITIES forum in 2014 revealed a clear demand for an EU urban agenda from stakeholders across the EU. To better understand how this agenda could be set up and work, the European Commission launched a public consultation that confirmed the demand for an EU urban agenda.
The Commission will present at the CITIES forum the results of the consultation. Urban stakeholders at local, national and European level will have an opportunity to have a political and practical discussion on how to advance the EU urban agenda. The forum will also see the official launch of the Urban Innovative Actions, an EU initiative to support innovative approaches to tackle future urban challenges in cities across Europe.
Jarmo Eskelinen, the CEO of Forum Virium Helsinki, will present at the Smart Cities Session.
The Commission Staff Working Document “Results of the public consultation on the key features of an EU Urban Agenda” summarises the views from stakeholders across Europe on why we need an EU urban agenda, what it should contain, how it should operate and what the roles of different actors from local to EU level should be. The Staff Working Document also explains how the Commission can respond to stakeholder expectations by making better use of its existing tools and resources, in full respect of subsidiarity and without bringing new legislation or more administrative burden. More information on the public consultation can be found here.
When: 2nd of June 2015, 09h00-17h30
Where: Square – Brussels Meeting Centre, rue Mont des Arts
Web streaming: The Forum reached its full capacity and the registrations are now closed. All plenary sessions will be web streamed live in EN.
Interpretation: Opening, morning Plenary Session, Keynote Speech and Closing in BG DE EN FR – afternoon Plenary Session in BG RO EN FR – Parallel workshops in EN
Twitter: #EUCiTIES
Time: 06/02/2015 – 09:00 – 17:30 – 06/02/2015 – 09:00 – 17:30
Venue: Square – Brussels Meeting Centre, rue Mont des Arts, Belgium