Env&You – Ambiciti strives for more comprehensive knowledge about pollution in Helsinki

Artikkelikuva: Env&You – Ambiciti strives for more comprehensive knowledge about pollution in Helsinki

Env&You project integrates new censoring technology in Helsinki. Also, the project develops a new calculation model utilizing several open data sources. With the help of the new calculating model more accurate air quality forecasts can be done for the benefit of citizens and city authorities.

There is an increasing desire from the citizens to better know their individual exposure to pollution. Env&You project maps out pollution on individual, local and daily levels. Aim is to gather more accurate information of the environment to support wellbeing of citizens.

Air quality in Helsinki varies significantly depending on time and place, sometimes exceeding optimal health values. This happens especially in street canyons in downtown area of the city. The current way of measuring air quality is expensive and the results of the measurements are hard to be utilized in citizens’ daily lives.

The project explores simulating algorithms allowing calculation of air quality forecast where there are no censors. The algorithms employ open data e.g., on buildings, traffic and weather. Env&You maps out the use of more affordable air quality sensors to supplement the measurements of more valuable measuring stations. The project creates new understanding, as well as new supply and demand for measuring air quality and pollution levels. The project generates background information for the future implementation of air quality protection plan. The project also deepens cooperation with actors in Paris and San Francisco.

Env&You is a part of Forum Virium Helsinki`s IoT project portfolio. Forum Virium Helsinki aims to build attractive and credible piloting environment for future IoT technologies.

The project is funded by EIT Digital and partnering with Forum Virium Helsinki, French research institute Inria, Cap Digital, Ambientic, Numtech and The Civic Engine. Important collaborating partners in the project are Finnish Meteorological institute and Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority (HSY).

Time: 2016-2017

Budget: 1 623 750 

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