Call for Tenders to develop an innovative circular economy solution

Artikkelikuva: Call for Tenders to develop an innovative circular economy solution

CircularPSP project invites suppliers to develop an innovative circular economy solution that enables municipalities and their staff, as well as businesses in the local economy, to apply circular practice more frequently, widely and effectively.

The EU pre-commercial procurement project CircularPSP is calling for Suppliers to design, develop and test an innovative circular economy solution (CE-solution) that enables municipalities and their staff, as well as businesses in the local economy, to apply circular practice more quickly, frequently, widely and effectively.

Individual users at City and Business are empowered through access to information, knowledge, circular wisdom, guidance and training to act more circular more often and increasingly impactful whilst transitioning to a CE mindset.

The deadline for submission of tenders is on the 1st of April 2024 at 18.00 CEST. Please read all information and download tender documents here.

All documents and information regarding the Tender can be found at

Read more about the project here.

Photo: Jussi Hellsten, Helsinki Partners

Additional information

Senior Project Manager Pekka Niskasaari

Pekka Niskasaari
Senior Project Manager
+358 40 585 9110

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