Project introduction ---

The ACUMEN project promotes seamless mobility using an AI tool

Artikkelikuva: Project introduction

The ACUMEN project promotes diverse urban mobility using an AI-assisted traffic management tool.

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ACUMEN aims to dynamically affect passengers’ selection of route and transport mode in order to promote sustainable development and well-being. The objective is to support seamless mobility through developing a modular solution for the management of the road network. Utilising artificial intelligence, this solution promotes more efficient door-to-door trips for people and goods, increases the comfort in the city, and supports the safety and flexibility of traffic as part of the green transition.

ACUMEN aims to renew the current traffic management practices through three strategic goals:

A secure and decentralised information frame. Real-time distribution of information is allowed for all providers and operators of forms of transportation, while ensuring privacy.

Advanced monitoring and forecasting. Artificial intelligence is used for developing monitoring and forecasting tools for fluent traffic.

Multi-level decision-making and management. Solutions are developed to affect all levels of the city and promote cooperation between various providers of forms of transportation.

The actions are conceptualised in ACUMEN’s digital twin, which lowers costs and provides the interest groups of the intelligent city a unique ‘management tools for AI-assisted diverse traffic’ perspective on transport systems, and promotes the development of new innovations.

Duration, partners and funding

The project will run from 1 June 2023 to 31 May 2026.

The ACUMEN project is managed by the Aalto University Foundation, and the project consortium consists of 17 partners from eight European countries.

The project is funded under the European Union’s Horizon Europe Programme. The project has a total budget of EUR 5,181,248.75, of which Forum Virium Helsinki’s share is EUR 217,500.

The role of Forum Virium Helsinki

Forum Virium Helsinki is responsible for the implementation of the project pilot in Helsinki, in cooperation with the project partners. The main objective of the project is to test the functionality of the concept in the development of AI-assisted management of seamless mobility.

The role of Forum Virium spans the cooperation between essential interest groups and operators, as well as the sectors of mobility management, tools, and impact analysis, while supporting the project’s objective to create a comfortable and sustainable urban environment. As its tools, Forum Virium utilises a digital twin of the traffic and a smart mobility pilot platform.

Benefits for Helsinki

The project pilot in Helsinki advances mobility towards a more sustainable, efficient, and resident-based transport system. The project is expected to lead to positive changes in travelling behaviour, traffic habits, and environmental impacts, which supports the development of a more sustainable and efficient urban environment.


ACUMEN promotes responsibility through sustainable mobility, resident inclusion and environmental friendliness. The project supports the green transition and intensifies the fluency of traffic by developing energy-efficient, multi-modular artificial intelligence solutions.

Links to project channels

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Photo: Tern Bicycles