DigiBUILD toobox allows users to optimise building’s energy consumption and user comfort as well as survey the climate resilience of buildings.
DigiBUILD’s aim is to put property data into more efficient use and make buildings smarter. The project will result in a toolbox ideal for streamlining building operations, allowing for easier data acquisition and use, optimisation of energy consumption and indoor conditions as well as the assessment and improvement of climate resilience.
Duration, partners and funding
DigiBUILD will run for three years until the end of May 2025. The project is funded by Horizon Europe. The total budget is €4,999,814, of which Forum Virium Helsinki’s share is €329,375. An Italian entity Engineering is serving as the project’s coordinator. The other partners include:
- National Technical University of Athens
- Fundación CARTIF
- Università Politecnica delle Marche
- CNET Centre for New Energy Technologies, S.A.
- Veolia
- IRON Thermoilektriki Anonymi Etaireia
- Focchi Spa
- Municipality of Iași
- Sitta Research, S.R.L.
- Électricité de France
- Emotion, S.R.L.
- Institute for European Energy and Climate Policy, Stichting
- Cware ApS
- Euroheat & Power
- UCL University College London
Forum Virium Helsinki’s role
The role of Forum Virium Helsinki is to carry out one of the ten project pilots and support the development of the solutions. The pilot site in Helsinki is the Urban Environment House in Kalasatama.
Services piloted in Helsinki:
- Property data quality assurance and improvement
- Electricity consumption monitoring and prediction
- User comfort improvement through indoor temperature and indoor air quality optimisation
- Building climate resilience assessment and improvement
- Easy accessibility and collection of building’s data and information in one place through a ‘Digital Building Logbook’.
Benefits for Helsinki
Helsinki has plenty of data on buildings, and DigiBUILD facilitates the best possible utilisation of data and versatile optimisation of building’s operations.

The DigiBUILD project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101069658. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.
Photo: City of Helsinki