Smart Kalasatama’s Programme for Agile Piloting buys small pilots that provide new innovative services for people living in the Kalasatama area. Amongst the 52 offers submitted, the first five are now selected to be piloted during spring 2016. The pilots relate to smart mobility, electric bicycles, effective waste collection, reducing food waste and co-creating local services.Rahoittajalogot
A smart city is built together. Smart Kalasatama’s Programme for Agile piloting accelerates concepts to service innovations and new business.
The first five pilots are now selected:
- Tuup: Mobility as a service for households – smart application to plan mobility
- Creadesign: Charging and parking service for E-bikes
- Kalasatama service company (Kalasataman Palvelu): Opening APIs and data of Smart trash bins
- Yhteismaa: Hyperlocal service platform for neighbourhoods service exchange and crowdfunding?
- Foller: Reducing domestic food waste using IoT technology and sensors
All of the selected pilots are already in prototype phase, the services will now be tested in real life context. The selection criteria emphasized innovativeness, user-involvement and potential to generate new business. All selected pilots utilize digitality and will be executed by a consortium of businesses and other partners.
“The Programme for Agile Piloting brings new, resource effective services to Kalasatama. We hope that this will also create new business opportunities. The selected pilots take smart city services further and as they spread, they benefit the whole city,” says Anni Sinnemäki, Deputy Mayor of the City of Helsinki, the chair of Smart Kalasatama’s steering group.
Kuva: Jussi Hellsten, Visit Helsinki
Smart City is resource-wise
The selected pilots relate to smart mobility, electric bicycles, effective waste collection, reducing food waste and co-creating local services.
Tuup pilots new ways of nudging people’s mobility preferences and the use of shared vehicles. 25 residents of Kalasatama get a chance to test a smart mobility as a service -application, developed by Tuup. Mobility is also in the heart of Creadesigns pilot, in which a new solar energy charging point for electric vehicles is being designed and constructed to Kalasatama.
Kalasatama service company (Kalasataman palvelu) adds smartness such as sensors and tags to trash bins, to collect data on waste flows and levels. The service can also be used to communicate the users when the bin is full. The pilot opens and visualizes the data that is collected.
Foller’s pilot is related to waste reduction and food. Packed food’s lifecycle can be followed with an app that makes use of sensors and IoT-technology. Foller brings their service to Kalasatama’s residents’ houses.
Yhteismaa tests a new model of crowdsourcing local projects by making use of their neighbourhood service platform Nifty Neighbourhood.
The pilots will run in Kalasatama during spring 2016. Smart Kalasatama project helps the pilots to get up and running and to reach the user groups. The services are tested with the residents in a real life environment.
High interest towards piloting
The pilots were chosen amongst 52 offers. Most of the offers were from small companies and start-ups (38 offers). Other offers were from associations, research groups, and units of City of Helsinki. The selection process emphasized innovativeness, user-centeredness and the possibility to create new business opportunities.
Along with Smart Kalasatama team and the project’s steering group, the offers were evaluated by a group of experts: design planner Virva Haltsonen (Pentagon Design), environmental expert Mira Jarkko (Environment Centre of the City of Helsinki), project director Atte Kallio (Helen) and co-founder of Nestholma Antti Kosunen.
“The quality of the offers was very good, so it was very difficult to choose just five. A good pilot helps to develop business and service models further, and Kalasatama offers a real life environment for testing the services and products. Even though we couldn’t buy all the promising pilots to be part of the Programme of Agile piloting, we try to help them in other ways,” tells Veera Mustonen, the Head of Smart Kalasatama from Forum Virium Helsinki.
The next call for offers to the Programme of Agile Piloting, opened in February 2016, will be looking for services for health and wellbeing.
In 2015–2017, the Smart Kalasatama project is funded by the 6Aika Six City Strategy (European Regional Development Fund via the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council), the City of Helsinki and the Ministry of Employment and the Economy. The project is coordinated by Forum Virium Helsinki.