Kalasatama area of Helsinki is an experimental innovation platform to co-create smart urban infrastructure and services.
As part of the EU-supported bIoTope project, Kalasatama will be a place to run various Internet of Things trials and pilots, related to smart metering, smart parking, and shared electric vehicles, among others.
The international bIoTope project builds the IoT open innovation ecosystem for connected smart objects. Internet of Things – IoT – describes a system where items in the physical world, and sensors within or attached to these items, are connected via Internet. The technology and network connectivity enables these objects to interact with each other.
For companies, the Internet of Things brings opportunities to create new services and products. It also offers new ways to utilize the interconnected objects. However, there is currently a serious lack of interoperability and openness, which in turn blocks the creation of cross-domain, cross-platform and cross-organisational services. Via harmonization and open API’s, bIoTope aims to lay the foundation for open innovation ecosystems where companies – with minimal investment – can innovate more easily and effectively.
“The bIoTope project will create better solutions that will improve the quality of people’s life. It develops further concepts for smart living, buildings, equipments and parking. For example, one day your car could give recommendations on how to save time and money when going to work – or your apartment could give tips how to be more responsible for the environment”, explains Project Manager Natalia Reen from Forum Virium Helsinki.
The bIoTope project will run large-scale smart city pilots in Helsinki, Brussels and Lyon. In Helsinki, the testbed will be Kalasatama, and the pilots will be related to smart metering, energy efficiency, smart parking guidance, and shared electric vehicles. A set of Open Calls will be organized in 2017 to engage local developer communities.
“The important goal for bIoTope project is to achieve interoperability between the systems. In fact, any smart device, source of data, application should be able to be integrated to the system with the minimal configuration effort and therefore provide the possibility to increase validity of data, reliability of system, service quality and usability. The pilots we’re running in Kalasatama will demonstrate how the customer device can be integrated into the existing IoT systems provides by infrastructure and utility company”, Reen continues.
The three-year-long bIoTope project is funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme and coordinated by the Aalto University’s Computer Science Department. Its total budget is 7.8 million euros. Forum Virium Helsinki is one of the 21 partners in two continents, Europe and Australia.
Forum Virium Helsinki will run the piloting in Kalasatama. The work is closely linked with Smart Kalasatama, an experimental innovation platform to co-create smart urban infrastructure and services. The budget for three years is 900 000€.
Brochure: http://biotope.cs.hut.fi/index.php/poster-and-brochures
As part of the EU-supported bIoTope project, various Internet of Things trials and pilots will be run in Kalasatama.
@fiksukalasatama #smartkalasatama #IoT

Natalia Reen
#IoT #IoE #internet
Mobile: +358 50 486 0424
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