Helsinki piloting a new feedback channel

In Finland, Sanoma Media Company and City of Helsinki together with Forum Virium Helsinki are piloting a new issue-reporting channel enabling citizens to give feedback on the faults they have observed in the public environments. Through Sanoma’s “Metro Fix my street” web service citizens can send feedback, for example, regarding broken traffic signs or bumps on the road. The issue-reporting channel was launched in mid-February and is available at

New service acts as a communication channel between citizens and the civil servants: after making the issue report, citizens can follow on-line the feedback given by the Public Works Department and also comment on the given feedback. Furthermore, the citizens can follow the proceeding of the reparation work through the webpages.

The service is based on the Open311 standards and technology, which is already in use in 35 cities in the United States. In Europe, the city of Bonn is currently experimenting the open interface, too. In Helsinki the pilot is currently launched on Sanoma Media Company web portal, but the interface enables the flow of feedback from the citizens also through other virtual platforms.

The service is part of the CItySDK’s Smart Participation pilot.

Read the latest newsletter of CitySDK project and find out about the latest developments in the project:

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