Forum Virium Helsinki contributes to European cooperation towards safer and more sustainable transport through automation.
Forum Virium Helsinki has officially joined the European Partnership on Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM). With that, it reinforces its European leadership in safe and sustainable road transport through automation. The formal European launch of the Association is on June 23rd, 2021. The goal of CCAM is to create a more user-centered and inclusive mobility system, increasing road safety while reducing congestion and environmental footprint.
“Europe needs more collaborative research, testing and demonstration projects in order to accelerate the innovation pace and implementation of automated mobility”, says Renske Martijnse-Hartikka, EU Project Manager at Forum Virium Helsinki. “Through this Association, we commit to work together at European level to help remove barriers and contribute to the acceptance and efficient roll-out of automation technologies and services.”
Influencing European regulation
As a member, Forum Virium Helsinki can contribute to design the topics of the CCAM calls for projects to be published under Horizon Europe and network with other stakeholders. It will follow up the Partnership projects’ results and participate in the update of the CCAM Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). “We will stay informed and support joint actions with other European Partnerships and link them with national activities. Through the Association, we can also contribute to the European standardisation and regulation development”, says Martijnse-Hartikka.
The role of the CCAM Association is to represent the research stakeholders in the Co-Programmed Partnership CCAM set up in the Horizon Europe programme. Launched early 2021, it already gathers more than 150 members: different industry sectors, research institutes and universities, associations and clusters, service providers, and national and local authorities.
Additional information

Renske Martijnse-Hartikka
EU Project Manager
+358 40 683 7979