The nordic collaboration project Healthy Liveable Neighbourhoods focuses on more “edible”, green and inclusive neighbourhoods. The project explores the elements of liveable healthy neighbourhoods from the perspectives green infra and foodscapes to support the wellbeing, activity and inclusivity of residents.
Open Call Info Session – Healthy Liveable Neighbourhoods
Time: 8th of March 2021 at 14:00-15:30 (EET, UTC +2)
Place: Online (Microsoft Teams meeting). Webinar link will be sent after registration.
Five Nordic cities launch an open call for agile pilots seeking innovative solutions to support the development of healthy, inclusive and green neighbourhoods. Join the info webinar on 8th of March to hear more!
How to provide data and tools to support urban planning to include the perspectives of foodscapes & green infrastructure? How to make cities and neighbourhoods more resilient, inclusive and healthy?
The Healthy Liveable Neighbourhoods project is seeking for agile pilots focusing on three different topics: new digital participatory solutions that support the planning of green infrastructure, block level solutions of green infrastructure and foodscapes, and new local food related business models that engage and involve local citizens and producers.
The call for pilots is open 3.3. –28.3.2021.
Read more about the Open Call and Agile Pilots here!
This event registration has been closed.
Healthy liveable neighbourhoods -project is part of the Nordic Innovations’ Health program, “Health, Demography and Quality of Life”. Forum Virium Helsinki acts as a lead in the project and the participating cities are Vantaa, Stavanger, Copenhagen, Kristiansand. The project is funded by the Nordic Innovation.
Further information

Annamaria Rossi
Mobile: +358 50 491 2270