AiRMOUR Final Conference 22 November and Masterclass 23–24 November

Artikkelikuva: AiRMOUR Final Conference 22 November and Masterclass 23–24 November

Come and hear about the most significant lessons learnt from the three-year AiRMOUR project regarding urban air mobility and using drones to assist emergency medical services.

Date and time: 22 November 2023 9:00 AM – 5.00 PM
Place: European Convention Center, Place de l’Europe 4, Luxembourg.
Register using the form below.

Are you a representative of a city, health care services, emergency medical services, an urban air mobility company, or other interest group? Come along to the conclusion event of our three-year EU project AiRMOUREnabling sustainable air mobility in urban contexts via emergency and medical services, in Luxembourg on 22 November!

We are organising the Elevating Urban Air Mobility event together with our sibling projects within the field, Flying Forward 2020 and AURORA-UAM. You can hear what we have learned through three significant European urban air mobility projects, and get tools for promoting and planning urban air mobility and autonomous emergency medical services.

The language of the event is English. See the tentative programme at the bottom of the page and register using the form below!

Airmour final conference

AiRMOUR Masterclass

Why not combine two significant events intended for professionals of urban air mobility in one trip?

In connection with our event, AiRMOUR is additionally holding a 1.5-day Masterclass seminar on Urban Air Mobility on 23 November at 9–17, and on 24 November at 9.30–13.15 at Eurocontrol Aviation Learning Centre, Rue Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 12, Luxembourg. The Masterclass programme and registration link.

Additional information

EU Project Manager Renske Martijnse-Hartikka

Renske Martijnse-Hartikka
EU Project Manager
+358 40 683 7979

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