The Smart Kalasatama Programme for Agile Piloting accelerates Smart City innovation by procuring prototypes to real city environments to be co-created with citizens. The programme procures agile pilots (max. 8000 euros) for experimentation to tackle real city challenges. Solutions are tested in real life settings during a period up to 6 months. The aim is to accelerate new concepts into service prototypes and new business, and to learn from practice.
Accelerated learning and positive visibility
In 2016-2017 the programme ran 16 small pilots. The pilots were experimenting innovative services with the citizens. Solutions have been developed and tested with the residents of Kalasatama area in Helsinki. Smart Kalasatama living lab has been in charge of procuring and facilitating the pilots. In Kalasatama the pilots have been exploring different areas of smart everyday life such as smart mobility, sharing economy, wellbeing, or diminishing carbon footprint. The start-ups have been content with the process – agile piloting accelerates learning, and the networks provide positive visibility for the start-ups. Read more about the pilots here.
Piloting smart solutions for wellbeing, learning environments and mobility in 2018
The program provides a process for procuring and facilitating the pilots, and it has been used in several thematic contexts. The programme as a model has been replicated in all the sectors of the city of Helsinki and adopted in several Finnish cities. It has also drawn keen interest from international networks. In Kalasatama, the current piloting rounds include the ongoing Kalasatama Wellbeing -programme, and Smart Learning environment pilots starting in spring 2018. Also in the Jätkäsaari district in Helsinki a piloting round with mobility focus opened during spring 2018. Other Finnish large cities are currently running their own piloting programs eg. Espoo (digital services, wellbeing) and Oulu (School).
Running in 2015–2017, the Smart Kalasatama project is part of the Six City Strategy (6Aika). It is funded by the European Regional Development Fund, the City of Helsinki and the Ministry of Employment and the Economy. Smart Kalasatama project is coordinated by Forum Virium Helsinki, the innovation unit of the city of Helsinki.
Smart Kalasatama’s Programme for Agile Piloting buys small pilots that provide new innovative services for people living in Kalasatama.
Twitter: @fiksukalasatama #smartkalasatama #agilepilots
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