Open call: Offer local food products or services to Hakaniemi market hall!

Artikkelikuva: Open call: Offer local food products or services to Hakaniemi market hall!

Are you a small producer, artisan processor, indoor farming entrepreneur, a catering service or other food service operator? We are looking for local food services for Hakaniemi market hall to try out short-term market hall entrepreneurship. The call is open!

Pilot objectives

The ‘Local Food Stall’ offers a low-entry to market opportunity to sell products and services, gain visibility, and obtain sales experience in an established and traditional market hall. The objective of the Local Food Stall is to reassess the potential of a traditional sales stall. The pilot is a part of Urban&Local -project and is conducted in cooperation with Helsingin kaupunkitilat Oy

For food operators, the short-term pilot provides an opportunity for cooperation, visibility and experience in conducting business in a new operating environment. The pilot also aims to test the spatial and functional possibilities of the stall space. Additionally, the goal is to bring seasonal food products and services to the market hall.

Food products and services that diversify and enliven the hall’s selection, consider sustainable development, and are produced or processed in Southern Finland are especially welcome for the pilot.

For the Local Food Stall pilot, you can offer a food product or test out an innovative solution in a new operating environment. An innovative solution may include a digital function, such as a smart delivery locker, a service that enhances food culture, or a new way of utilising the space. 

Offering a pilot

The invitation to tender includes a description of the pilot and the application procedure. The offers are submitted via an electronic form found in the invitation to tender. The offer must be sent as an attachment. Please note that the invitation to tender and other contracts are in Finnish, but we accept applications in English.

The link to the offer information and application (in Finnish)

The offers received by the deadline are evaluated and scored using an evaluation matrix. All tenderers receive a statement of the scores. The results are published by 25.8.2023 and the Local Food Stall will be open from September to December. 

Who can participate?

The invitation to tender is open to anyone, from startups to pop-up entrepreneurs, as well as experienced businesses that want to test out a new product or service. The tender is open to those with a valid European business licence. Those without a business licence can be considered on a case-by-case basis.

The selected business gets to try out the short-term market hall entrepreneurship as De minimis aid, supported by the Urban&Local -project, i.e. as minimal service provided. The aid covers the cost of the rent and upkeep of the stall.

More information

All questions regarding the invitation to tender should be submitted in writing by 1.8.2023 via email to (subject line: Local Food Stall -pilot). All questions and answers are published on this website. 

Frequently asked questions

You can find answers to the frequently asked questions:

Urban&Local – Future Food Ecosystem -project (01/2023–12/2025) aims to develop innovative solutions, practices, products and services in local food and restaurant business, as well as create a framework for sustainable business models and cooperation between stakeholders. The project is coordinated by Forum Virium Helsinki, and partners are Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Perho Culinary, Tourism & Business college and the city of Vantaa. The project is partly funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

Photo: Camilla Bloom / Helsinki Material Bank

Additional information

Project Planner Olivia Fokeerah

Olivia Fokeerah
Project Planner
+358 41 318 1111

Project Manager Roosa Halonen

Roosa Halonen
Project Manager
+358 40 158 1400

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