The aim of the Mobility Launchpad project is to accelerate the growth of SMEs and new startups in the Helsinki region specialising in smart mobility. Mobility Launchpad, or Jätkäsaari Smart Mobility as it is officially known, is a shortcut for companies based in Helsinki and Uusimaa to the Jätkäsaari Mobility Lab testbed.
The project provides companies with support for testing new solutions in a real urban environment. For events and cooperation, the project also has a dedicated showroom at the Maria 01 startup campus. In addition to this, the project also provides companies with access to student cooperation via Metropolia, visibility in communications, and international events, and connects them to potential test
users and customers, for example.
The objective is to establish new companies specialising in smart mobility, accelerate the growth of existing companies and create new jobs.
Duration, partners and funding
- The project will run from October 2018 to April 2021.
- The project is funded by the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council from the European Regional Development Fund. The total budget is EUR 655,236, of which Forum Virium Helsinki’s share is EUR 305,839.
- The project partners are Forum Virium Helsinki and Metropolia University of Applied Sciences.
Helsinki Business Hub served as a third project partner up to 30 June 2020.
The role of Forum Virium Helsinki
Forum Virium Helsinki serves as the project coordinator and is responsible for facilitating the testing opportunities of companies in a real urban environment and project-related communications.
Benefits for Helsinki
From a business perspective, smart mobility is a growing field in both Finland and globally. Helsinki provides companies specialising in the field with an excellent place to grow towards the international market as well. From the perspective of transportation, facilitating the growth of companies specialising in smart mobility and testing new solutions accelerates the adoption of the most effective solutions in
urban transport.
Mobility Launchpad on Jätkäsaari Mobility Lab’s website.
Mobility Launchpad on Twitter and Instagram.
Further information

Raimo Tengvall
#jätkäsaari #smartmobility
Mobile: +358 40 629 7744