Welcome to Living Lab Innovations vol. 3 seminar. The seminar will focus on concrete living lab customer benefits, public data and citizen participation. Our speakers include Michael Gustafsson (Östersund IT) and Petri Kola (TaiK and Apps for democracy Finland).
Event site: http://events.forumvirium.fi/livinglabvol3/
Presentations: http://www.helsinkilivinglab.fi/node/196
Photos: http://gallery.forumvirium.fi/zenphoto/index.php?album=livinglab-innovations-vol-3
Time: 11/02/2009 – 12:00 – 17:00 – 11/02/2009 – 12:00 – 17:00
Venue: G18 Hall (Yrjönkatu 18, Helsinki)