Overwhelming interest in the Nordic Independent Living Challenge

Artikkelikuva: Overwhelming interest in the Nordic Independent Living Challenge
414 proposals from across the Nordic region have been submitted to the Nordic Independent Living Challenge. The challenge provides innovative solutions to how elderly and disabled people can live independently in their own home.
The biggest number of proposals came from Finland, 137. Most of these were submitted by companies (63). 36 proposals came from students and academics. Also healthcare professionals and homecare customers participated. 

Number of applications per country:
Finland: 137
Sweden: 75
Denmark: 75
Iceland: 64
Norway: 59
Other: 5
The proposals cover widely different thematic areas ranging from mobility, social life, and exercise to technology and communication.

In Finland, the Nordic Independent Living Challenge competition is organised by the City of Helsinki and Forum Virium Helsinki. The competition runs until June 2016.
Matchmaking in May 
In the upcoming weeks, a Nordic jury will now go through the proposals and announce which 75 solutions are invited to take part in a Nordic Matchmaking Event in Copenhagen in May 2015. It’s a chance to network, get inspiration and tools to further develop their idea. Participants will also get the opportunity to team up with other applicants from across the Nordic region. 
The Nordic jury has two members from Finland: Service District Director Arja Peiponen at the City of Helsinki’s Social Services Department, and Christian Lindholm, one of the founders of HealthSPA startup cluster and Vertical Accelerator.
Mentoring and piloting
After the Nordic Matchmaking Event, up to 25 proposals will be invited to the next stage of the competition. They will receive mentoring and support to develop the concepts further, including business plans and preparation for testing on real users.
Five finalists will be selected to test their solution in the Nordic capitals and receive financial support of 300.000 NOK to cover expenses.
Finally, one Nordic winner will receive the main prize of 1 million NOK (approx. 120.000 EUR). In addition, there will be a 200.000 NOK cross-Nordic collaboration award and a 100.000 NOK student award.

The Nordic capitals, Stockholm, Oslo, Reykjavik, Helsinki and Copenhagen, have launched the Nordic Independent Living Challenge together with Nordic Innovation to stimulate the development of new solutions that can make it possible for elderly and people with disabilities to live independently in their own home. Another aim of the competition is to make the everyday life easier and more efficient for care professionals. www.realchallenge.info

More information:

Kaisa Spilling  
Forum Virium Helsinki
+358 40 744 8831                

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